Thursday, 30 January 2014

*UPDATE* Palindrome crit.

The crit went really well the other day and i got some really good advice. After hanging the drawing up on the wall and looking at it from afar I noticed what everyone else had said about the dentist being too far to the left and the white space being too much behind it.

I lightboxed the drawing and moved it over this time stepping right out of the comfort zone and leaving black behind for the first time, I really struggled with it but I stuck it through and I am overwhelmed by the final outcome. I never realised how much I relied on black outline and how it didn't always need to be used.

But... As per usual I had to add something black :) 

I changed the filter on  Instagram to black and white and it changes the entire visual language.  

Monday, 27 January 2014

Crit - Palindrome.

I am quite nervous about class crit. Not because of the criticism I will receive but I generally am quite private. I enjoy them but I just feel sometimes it can go too deep into what I'm showing you to what it really is. 

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Business Card

This was for a self promotional project in my foundation degree, I based it soley on my favourite medium. :) I will be going back to the drawing board with this as it's been nearly a year since I originally did this and I need to add more of my social media information. 

Foundation Degree Exhibition 2013

A few photos of my exhibition for my end of year show. This was the end of an era for me really, I'd spent nearly 5 years of my life at West Herts College from the age of 16 to 20. I look back at the start from my first course in art and design and i have seen a vast improvement confidence wise in my materials and personality. 

So this for me wasn't just about putting myself out there as a young illustrator but my journey of following my dream. My parents are so supportive of my education and pathway I have chosen even though the art industry is a difficult career to engage in. My mother wouldn't stop going on about graduating an "the funny hat" I'd have to wear. She was more excited than me. 

So this isn't just a thank you to my parents, it's a thank you to all my tutors who have taught me so much over the years through all the tantrums and tears I managed to get there in the end. I cannot wait to finish my degree and hopefully if I carry on posting my journey all of you can walk it with me.

Thank you again I owe you all a cup of tea :)  


Swimming through the ample amount of USB sticks I own, I managed to find my final major project for my foundation degree. I based it on one of my favourite series Supernatural. I love drawing people and decided to take a chance and use Promarkers, I hadn't used use this medium before and I wasn't very confident but after a few attempts I produced these finals.

These were the focal point of my exhibition and I really enjoyed the project. I used as close to the original typeface that the Supernatural team use. Every season they change the background behind the type and I chose the blood splatter effect for mine. I created the posters for promotional use to go towards the new up coming serious. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Life Drawing.

Life Drawing… I really do enjoy life drawing, I find the human body extremely interesting for the fact it comes in all shapes, sizes and colours. It also puts things into perspective and I felt challenged this time round compared to before in college where it was just using charcoal and quite easy poses. This time round I had to learn how to overcome my hatred of foreshortening.

The models used were very professional and the male model could stay in the same pose for hours. He was a pleasure to work with and also a different experience as I have previously only drawn woman, subconsciously I have aways drawn woman when I draw at leisure as I find the female anatomy and facial expressions easier than men. This experience has since boosted my confidence.

Another Guardian project!!

Yet another Guardian project was assigned to me and yet again I always seem to enjoy and do well with editorial work even though it is not my first choice.

I fell in love with this project it was personal but not too personal, I had to write a short column based on the guardians weekly section "What I'm really thinking". I wasn't keen at the start because the examples given to me were on quite depressing subjects from the point of view of a woman who couldn't have children. I went and looked at the more light hearted examples and I was more than inspired and decided to write about the time I spent waitressing in a care home and a friendship I had built up with one of the patients. 

I really did enjoy this and I hope you guys do too as it is a happy part of my life that had a lot of laughs as well as tears but definitely made a difference to the person I am now. 

Lady Luck

Lady Luck was a project I completed in December assigned to me as part of my Visual Communication module.

It is part of a double page spread and I had to illustrate luck without being too obvious.  I chose after much deliberation and procrastination nose art on war planes. Nose art can be anything whether it is Donald Duck or a Lady dressed in next to nothing, it is something that is personal to the pilot and can be seen as a good luck charm. 

I found the topic extremely interesting and being interested in Pin Up art work this was the project for me. 

Soooo… I've been a little quiet recently.

Apologies for the silence for a start hehe. Since going to University in Hatfiled I have been suuuuuuuuuuuper busy and I must say I've really enjoyed myself even though it's been hectic.

I've been working on a few things and I have managed to put together an Artbook of experimentation and use of different materials which was epically fun but difficult at the same time. I hope to add some more work up in the next few days so what this space!