Thursday, 9 October 2014

St Francis Work experience.

I spend the week with St Francis school for girls and it was incredible. The girls were great and at the time of my visit it wasn't far off of the end of GCSE and A level exams so the exhibition was still up of their work.

The exhibition blew me away the girls were all incredibly talented and not one student seemed to be under performing, all the artists (because thats what they are!) were different and had already found what had interested them by such a young age of 15/16. 

One of their amazing projects (which i wish we had been tasked to do at college or uni) was to create a dress inspired by the harry potter films. 

The outcome was just amazing. Sadly I couldn't take any photos and I wish I had because they were all just incredible. 

While i was at St Francis they had 2 days which were art days that they have every year and the girls are off time table and choose the activities they want to do. Due to the school being very eco friendly one of the tasks at hand was to create a sea like weaving into the tennis courts railings using only recycled materials. It was good fun and the girls all got stuck in and the outcome was lovely. 

One of the other activities took me to the Biology room where we were making dyes out of food. Yes we created dyes out of the berries and fruits the girls brought in and we had to experiment with tie dying and batik methods. It did take me back to being a teenager when most of the girls used the batik method to write "I love Harry Styles" and "1D's biggest fan!" (although I did have better taste as Busted was around when i was their age!)

I made a little friend in the Biology lab :) it is a lime green giant stick insect

I didn't hold it :(

Merchant Taylors Mural painting

So I previously spoke about my time working with the students at merchant tailors and we had a fantastic time. The sun was shinning, the boys were ready and raring to go and we had such a great space to work on.

The school arrange to help in the community and their final task was to paint murals in and around the local primary schools.

It was fantastic the boys had selected their photographic reference and the task at hand was to paint in the style of Monet, not all of the students were creatives but they all worked as a team collectively and used their skills accordingly.

We had three days to do the project and it was split into two groups the first group only had 1 day to complete their task on the storage box. They were great, they got stuck in they asked questions they were beaming with ideas and pushed to get it finished in time. The outcome was incredible.

The final outcome has completely brightened up the area this box was situated they did a fantastic job. 

The second group were just as good, they were fun and had a little bit more time as this one was where the younger children from the primary school interacted and helped to push it along. over all i had an absolutely fantastic experience and they were a pleasure to work with. Nothing makes a day worthwhile when you come home absolutely shattered and up to your elbows in acrylic. 

Well Done Boys!

What a crazy summer!!!!!

Jeez guys i've been away a while, I am awful at keeping up to date with my social media SO! exciting stuff happened this summer. :) I secured myself some work experience with uni as well as doing a bit of searching myself with other schools and I had a fantastic time. I am getting one step closer to my dream.

I spent some time with Merchant Taylors school painting a mural at my old primary school, did a weeks work experience at St Francis school for girls which I managed to sort out through doing the animation work through uni with the students.

It has been fantastic I have never felt so inspired these young minds who are doing the things they love and excelling like you wouldn't believe. I will post up some photos of my time with the schools soon.
